Thicker Than Oil: Americas Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia

Council Senior Fellow and Director for Middle East and Gulf Studies Rachel Bronson reveals why the U.S.-Saudi partnership became so intimate and how the .
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They amassed so much cash that even their own fund managers had no idea where to put it all. In a deal with Reagan they reinvested it in US companies. So much so that to counter balance they supplied advanced weapons to Israel. The Saudi use of religion and their public support of the Palestinian state only muddied these waters. But the silence from the Saudis was deafening and when they did speak they didn't help themselves But the Saudis have started to change their tune now that they are getting hit by terror attacks from inside the kingdom.

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This is now leading to closer cooperation with our military and their intelligence. Interesting book that showcases that because of where our interests have met we have been sometimes all too eager to help the House of Saud and also that cooperation has advanced our interests. The future I think is still murky for the relationship between both countries Jul 23, Kimgertz rated it really liked it. Why did the emerging nation of Saudi Arabia choose to give the United States the monopoly on extracting oil from its soil?

America's Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia

This accessible book answers that question clearly and concisely, and explains how shared Cold War sentiments and geopolitics helped forge this relationship even closer. Every petroleum user should read this book. Having lived in the Kingdom for five years, it helped me understand the back story of why I'm there Baniza rated it really liked it May 07, Asa rated it really liked it Nov 24, Tania rated it liked it Jun 30, Henry Hobbs rated it really liked it May 25, Ahmed Hassanein rated it it was amazing Oct 27, Janelle rated it really liked it Feb 25, Justin Dietrich rated it really liked it May 20, Anansi rated it really liked it Aug 11, Carl Gundersen rated it it was amazing May 31, Mason Wong rated it it was amazing May 04, Mark Lindgren rated it really liked it Apr 24, Hannah Raykhenberg rated it it was amazing Jun 04, Tim Morgan rated it really liked it Nov 26, Tracey rated it really liked it Sep 21, Jenifer rated it liked it Dec 16, Thompson rated it really liked it Nov 17, Bibliography Includes bibliographical references p.

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In Thicker than Oil, Rachel Bronson shows why the partnership became so intimate and the problems that it spawned. This normally secretive relationship comes alive with stories of American diplomats heaped on the floor before the Saudi King--and a bizarre request for the Saudi government to subsidize Polish pork exports, a request the U.

Ambassador refused to deliver.

Drawing on a wide range of archival material, declassified documents, and interviews with leading Saudi and American officials, Bronson chronicles a long history of close contact. Contrary to popular belief, Bronson shows that the relationship was never just about "oil for security. Overlapping strategic interests helped compartmentalized differences around issues such as the Arab-Israeli conflict.

But decisions taken for hard headed Cold War purposes left behind a legacy that today enflames the Middle East. Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies. The Iraqi Revolution of Dynamics of Political Development in Afghanistan.

Q&A Rachel Bronson, Apr 17 | Video |

Suppression of the Muslims. Gulf Security and the U. The Plot to Attack Iran.

Overcoming the Bush Legacy in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States and Iran. The Middle East and the United States. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.

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