Cold Front (Pindone Files Book 1)

Cold Front (Pindone Files Book 1) - Kindle edition by Ann Somerville. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features.
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How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. We appreciate your feedback. I liked the men a lot! Dek is the more conservative, stoic cop, Ren is the empath but also the forensic expert, so sciency as well Their interactions were slow and powerful and interesting. But the mystery was so obvious to me, I knew from the first mention who the perpetrator was, and it began to annoy me that no one else seemed to be able to figure it out! We spend locations with these men, so we get to know they really well.

Great value for money, and set in the cold, cold, cold Given the few and somewhat mixed reviews on this book I was surprised how good a read this turned out to be. Slowburn romance and engagingmystery. See all 7 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Cold Front Pindone Files Book 1.

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My only complaint about these two stories is their short length. This book satisfied my need for a meaty and lengthy story. It focuses on the relationship between the two main characters, Dek and Ren, but there is also an engrossing mystery, paranormal elements, erotic romance, a lot of conflict and drama, emotional intensity, and a well-drawn cast of secondary characters, some good and some downright evil. I loved these stories like I love a full moon, strawberry sundaes, and walking in the rain.

This is definitely a keeper and I look forward to reading anything Ann Somerville writes. One Brief Encounter year-old Dekan hon Cerimwe den Tsikeni is a Defence Force Officer who is scheduled for police training and looking to spend a quiet night at a bar. Ren is a Level 2 empath. Dek feels perfectly comfortable taking charge, and Ren willingly goes along with it. Their sex is scorching hot — lashings, restraints, and loving domination.

They agree to meet up at that time, but Dek is badly injured while he and his fellow officers are sent in to break up a prostitution ring. Fraternizing with other police officers is against the rules anyway. Cold Front Ren and Dek are now regular lovers. They work together to solve a series of gruesome murders of young girls. Their bodies are found mutilated and their bodies dumped in random locations. This is a very dark and satisfying murder mystery with plenty of twists and turns and lots of gritty forensic details. They are dealing with a deranged and sadistic killer who gets pleasure out of torturing his victims.

This is a heartbreaking, gut-wrenching story that left me a teary-eyed mess. Though it ends on a hopeful note, and Ren and Dek have a strong relationship, there are still lots of problems to be resolved. View all 9 comments. Robert I tend to question and re-question myself on multiple occasions, so it's nice to know I'm not the only one.

Aug 30, Deanna Great review, Nancy!! Nov 05, Emma Sea rated it it was amazing Shelves: The characters are complex and seem completely real. The setting is vividly drawn; from the very opening passage I got the impression that the author is describing a real place, just one that's far away like Norway! Plus how could Dek possibly go on without him?

And this is after Dek pushes Ren away so he won't get hurt more later! OMG how to make me sad! I love dark fiction, and don't usually get upset by depictions of anything , especially violence and I have never before been upset by a depiction of laundry left undone!

My country has terrible child abuse statistics. As a nation we do not treasure our children the way we should, and Somerville's world really brought that home to me. There are descriptions of horrendous physical violence and sexual torture: It's not torture like Forgotten , for example. I found The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo both offensive and boring because it used the tired old trope of sexual violence against women as its main selling point.

I thought it was like a drawn-out episode of Law and Order: This book also has sexual violence against women as a plot point, but it does not feel exploitative and it is most definitely not written to be titillating.

See a Problem?

I had no problem with any of the terms dealing with religion, day to day life, food etc, but every time a midec or whatever came up I'd be trying to work out exactly what the equivalent was, and this effect became worse as I got further into the book. Also, one unanswered question: Is this just left open, or is it answered in Unsettled Conditions?

Or did I miss something hide spoiler ] However this minor point would never stop this from being a 5-star book for me. View all 16 comments.

Poison Baiting for Rabbit Control

Jun 12, Loederkoningin rated it did not like it Recommended to Loederkoningin by: I'd expected a lot more from this book, due to the cover perhaps or the odd review? I can't remember that blurb being there when I got the book a few years ago, but it seems fitting and would've tempered my assumptions that this might be a wholesome novel set in a fleshed-out alternate universe that just so happens to feature two gay cops.

View all 13 comments. Jan 25, Xing rated it really liked it.

All people with talents are marked by the government with tattoos visible to the public, and the strongest level talents are required to wear a tracking collar. Dek is a cop or "parg" in this futuristic world, in a city where the only thing colder than the we Rating: Dek is a cop or "parg" in this futuristic world, in a city where the only thing colder than the weather are the brutal serial murders of young teenagers and women.

And Ren, a talented forensic specialist, will be the catalyst for a collision course in both Dek's past and future. These two will partner up to solve a brutal crime that will unsettle the political landscape of Pindone for years to come. Cold Front is a compilation of the following stories: Dek 2 One Brief Encounter: Nothing plotty at all, but a nice way to also introduce the world of Pindone.

A House is Not a Home goes more into the budding relationship between these two while getting to know our MCs even better and Cold Front is a full-blown serial murder investigation. So let me just state how fan-freakin'-tastic the world building in this story is. It's a futuristic story in a fantasy world riddled with paranormal beings.

Cold Front by Ann Somerville

Yet despite all this, none of the elements seem over-the-top and is crafted in a believable setting. The world of Pindone is not a pleasant one, so readers should be warn that Ann Somerville doesn't pull her punches when it comes to violence, gore, death, new types of human enterprises and manipulation. There are also political factions and discrimination among the populace between the normals and talents.

And even among the talents as well. My only world-building complaint is the lack of explanation of certain things e. Pindone's units of measurement , but it didn't affect the grand scheme of things. Then there's the serial murder investigation. While the majority of Cold Front focuses on the investigation, it doesn't ignore the relationship aspect between Dek and Ren.

It was a nice blend between the two aspect which kept the romantic in me satisfied. But I'll be honest here: And to be honest, I haven't read a police procedural story this entertaining and exciting in a very long time perhaps since The Administration. This isn't the focus of Cold Front. There were several things that attracted me to this book: Somerville gave us an absorbing story about two fascinating men, one of whom may or may not be Kei's reincarnation, terrible villain, great supporting characters as well as police investigation and There were several things that attracted me to this book: Somerville gave us an absorbing story about two fascinating men, one of whom may or may not be Kei's reincarnation, terrible villain, great supporting characters as well as police investigation and BDSM-lite done right.

What I especially appreciate, as someone who is pretty much fed up with the books you can read during the afternoon rest, is that author is taking the time to tell the story and develop the characters. I think mystery and thriller fans will really like this book. I'm beginning the second book as soon I finish typing this and I hope Ms.

Somerville will write more stories set in this world. I think that's sufficient recommendation. Edited after second reading - November, The book passed the rereading test with flying colors and then some. The world-building, the characters, the relationship and the investigation have the same impact as they had the first time. From the beginning the voices of the protagonists are strong, distinct and decidedly male. I really, really enjoyed reading this again. View all 5 comments.

Nov 30, Jenre rated it it was amazing Shelves: Very powerful and imaginative with an intricate, slow moving mystery plot that reminded me greatly of The Definitive Albert J Sterne by Julie Bozza as both books contain seemingly opposite main characters and a mystery that is solved through painstaking small increments. There are lots of different themes explored in the book such as loss and grief, comradeship, duty, love, loss of personal freedom, religion and power. I loved how very human both men are in their determination to find the murderer and also in the way they empathise with the victims and their families.

Their gradual move from occasional lovers to beloved was richly satisfying and I really liked how the BDSM side to their relationship was incorporated into the book, making it an important facet of their relationship and necessary to the plot. A word of warning in that the book has some very difficult and violent scenes which I personally found harrowing and brought tears to my eyes. If you have triggers for rape or dislike violence, then this may not be a book for you. I found those scenes very uncomfortable, but they were not gratuitous.

In fact they were needed to move the plot forward.

Pindone Files - Cold Front

My only niggle with the book was that I guessed the murderer long before the characters and was then waiting rather impatiently for them to catch up with me! Overall, this was a tremendous read, full of powerful emotion and tight plotting and I would highly recommend it.

Cold Front (Pindone Files #) by Ann Somerville

Thanks once again to Lady M for recommending it to me. Dec 20, Crys Harris rated it it was ok. This book has a lot of potential and I can understand why reviewers whom I respect, and generally agree, would rate it so much higher. Cold Front fails on several fronts heh for me. Unlike others, i generally like first person point of view. I can generally get more in touch with the characters that way. In this book, the POV failed in two ways. First, I wasn't always immediately sur Maybe 2. First, I wasn't always immediately sure who was talking. Both characters had a similar 'voice' so context clues had to inform me.

Second, neither character is sufficiently self-aware to give me the necessary insights into them. I was especially bugged that Dekan seemed so confident and butch sometimes and like such a wishy-washy follower other times. I thought his lack of self realization about his emotions and his relationship with Ren was completely unbelievable. Ren came off as knowledgeable and a bit of a wizard in his field, yet he gets repeatedly caught out on science facts? He is supposed to be an empath but he is frequently bitchy and irrational. He doesn't have a handle on his OWN emotions.

I'll admit up front, I was fooled. I thought the mystery revolved around the psychologist and the Elite trying to breed empaths and that is what earned this book the additional half star. Once I got what was really going on, I was rather disappointed. Not that I was fooled, that's always great in a mystery, but that the real motive was so Dek and Ren uncovering a shadowy government plot is cliche but at least the suffering had a point and the heroes get to save the day.