Visions for your Mission: Mental nutrients for conscious minds

Our mission and values: Saybrook University approaches education with a belief in the inherent interconnectedness of all things.
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Plants are an aggregate of physical elements and energy-life force field. It only makes logical sense that we derive nourishment not only from the macro and micronutrients in foods but also from their life force energy. The physical nutrients nourish our physical body; the subtle energy of plants and herbs bio-energy, force fields, chi, prana, name it what you will nourishes our own life force.

Spiritual nourishment is about exploring the consciousness that various traditions of the world have taught. For thousands of years, we have seen spiritual practices that have used their consciousness to connect to a plant's spiritual significance. The effects of plants on the mind, emotions, and consciousness are just beginning to be acknowledged here in the West.

And, now science is beginning to explore what many have known intuitively and accepted on faith - that our thoughts and perhaps, psychospiritual energy influence the plant foods we cultivate, prepare, and eat.

Vision Quest

When you are fully present and conscious both you and the food you consume may be transformed. The consciousness we bring to food may have the potential to become a vital source of nourishment.

“Each day is a day of decision, and our decisions determine our destiny.” — Russell Nelson

And then in return, our food choices can raise our consciousness to a higher level. Ultimately, plants become one with us through our sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing and we with them, both literally and metaphorically. Ayurveda, the 5,year-old natural health science of India, provides a unique system of distinguishing people on the basis of their psychological characteristics of an individual's constitution. All individuals have mixed amounts of the three Gunas or qualities: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. These are the three essential components of your mind and when in equilibrium these qualities preserve your mind, keeping it in a healthy state.

If there is a disturbance in their equilibrium, various types of psychological conditions develop. Disturbance is caused by imbalances of Rajas, Tamas, and Sattva. Certain foods affect an individual's consciousness in a positive way, sharpening and clearing the mind; these foods are called sattvic foods. Imparts balance In the Vedic system, it is taught that an individual's food choices reflect their level of mental clarity and consciousness and that these preferences alter as they develop spiritually.

The senses are awakened because of its presence. It is also responsible for the perception of knowledge. Sattva creates harmony, balance and stability. It is light and luminous in nature. It is the principle of clarity and peace, it is the force of love. It also supports nervous equilibrium, sharpens the intellect and mental poise through a working day. It also brings calmness to the mind and is both soothing and nourishing to the body.

Sattvic people are truly generous, like to give, and are generally noble and spiritually orientated. They include fresh and dried fruits and berries, pure natural fresh juices, raw or lightly cooked vegetables, salads, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole-grain bread, honey, fresh herbal teas. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping.

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In other words, you experience decision fatigue throughout your day. So, your brain is most attuned first thing in the morning, and so are your energy levels. Consequently, the best time to do your best work is during the first three hours of your day. During your morning time, you want to do a few important things:. The purpose of this 10—30 minute morning journal session is to reframe yourself as the person you want to become. You want to put yourself into a peak and heightened state where you can live with intention. Creating a mind-map and also writing down your future goals is very powerful because it reshapes your mindset and memory.

Mind-maps when done right work both your right and left brains because they are intended to be visual and emotionally stimulating.

Samples of Mission Statements

You want images and pictures of your future self and dreams to be in your face. Every day, you should write down and visualize your future self and dreams. Then, you want to be results-oriented throughout your day in order to achieve those dreams as fast as possible. When you begin your day right, you start with confidence and momentum. Little wins in the morning lead to big wins throughout your day and throughout your life.

If your 3—5 hours before your workout were focused, you could probably be done for the day. When most people are working, they do so in a relaxed fashion. Makes sense, they have plenty of time to get it done. Why do anything half-way? To get the best results in your fitness, research has found that shorter but more intensive exercise is more effective than longer drawn-out exercise.

The concept is simple: Intensive activity followed by high quality rest and recovery. Most of the growth actually comes during the recovery process. However, the only way to truly recover is by actually pushing yourself to exhaustion during the workout. The same concept applies to work. The best work happens in short intensive spurts. In one study, only 16 percent of respondents reported getting creative insight while at work. Ideas generally came while the person was at home, in transportation, or during recreational activity.

The reason for this is simple. While driving or doing some other form of recreation, the external stimuli in your environment like the buildings or other landscapes around you subconsciously prompt memories and other thoughts. Forcing functions are situational factors you put into place to ensure you succeed. In other words, you want to set up your environment so that your default and subconscious behavior is what you want it to be. You also want to set things up so that self-sabotage is difficult. Actually, Darren Hardy has said that you can be a coward You only need to be courageous for 20 seconds at a time.

Twenty seconds of fear is all you need. Although most of your courageous attempts may not be successful, some of them will succeed. And these breaks are what separate you from the masses.

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You cannot have confidence without positive and goal-directed behavior. You also cannot get motivation and momentum without being active and moving. Your network is your net worth. Do whatever you can to get access to the people you want to work with and work for. If you optimize for brain health, priority, and productivity, you can live a masterful life.

You can make enormous progress in all that you do.