How Much Is Enough?: Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture

Why is it that in the face of unprecedented prosperity, so many of us feel How Much Is Enough?: Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture.
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Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture.

How Much is Enough? Hungering For God in an Affluent by Arthur Simon

Why, in the face of unprecedented affluence, do so many feel discontented? It points the way to release from captivity to things and to the joy of following Christ.

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Though there is not a word here that will be unintelligible to anyone, the challenge that Art Simon presents to every reader will leave you gasping for breath at times and at other times may prompt you to hurl the book across the room. Within the context of the United States of America at the beginning of the twenty-first century, this book may even strike some as a kind of obscenity-how dare he speak to us this way?

It is, in fact, a sign of contradiction for our age, the very thing we don't want to know about, the only way that can bring us peace. Share this book with everyone you know-the world can't wait for justice! Dawn, author of Unfettered Hope: A Call to Faithful Living in an Affluent Society "Art Simon invites us to a new way of living that, freed from the shackles of consumption, is the way of gratitude and generosity.

Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture. In a world filled with both prosperity and poverty, how can Christians handle their finances in a way that honors God?

How Much Is Enough?: Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture

He diagnoses Western civilization as sick with "affluenza," or runaway materialism, and shows readers how to reject the disease and set new priorities. Churches, social ministry groups, and thoughtful readers will be enlightened by Simon's grasp of Western affluence against the backdrop of a world where million people are chronically starving. Readers will gain a clearer understanding of how money becomes an object of worship when passion for material things is stronger than compassion for the poor. Simon's life-changing book also reveals how affluenza takes control of people's lives and goals.

Hunger For God Session 1 John Piper

Without discounting prosperity as a blessing, How Much Is Enough? To that task and to this book he brings a lifetime of reflection on issues of Christian stewardship and discipleship, a pastoral sensitivity, and informed awareness of the crisis of hunger in the world. He understands the systemic dimensions of that crisis and the way in which intentional intervention by caring people through societal structures can make a difference.

The outcome of his many gifts of heart and mind is a book that is direct, concrete, deeply rooted, and compelling. The reader will be empowered and summoned by Arthur's good words. Christian churches to American affluence. May its compelling biblical and evangelical critique help ignite the long struggle with justice we badly need. As a moral leader he helps the readers of this moving book to understand the emptiness of a society based on the sterility of consumerism.

Simon has created a precious collection of parables, preaching, and prayers that every reader will cherish.

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It is a profound and moving book, full of biblical insights informing both our personal behavior and public policies that, in short order, could change the world to a more just and peaceful place. William Sloane Coffin "Art Simon combines a pastor's heart with an activist's commitment. The result is a wise, gracious, and life-giving book that invites us into fuller expressions of Christian discipleship.

With an engaging and winsome style, Simon reminds us that our choices about money, power, gifts, and time are profoundly important to God and to other human beings. His writing touches a deep chord as he exposes the connections between spiritual and physical hunger. This book gives powerful witness to the freedom and joy that accompany a life of generosity and thoughtful responsibility.

Art Simon deepens our trust in God's bountiful grace and thereby empowers us to apportion our wealth more openhandedly.

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