The Essential Anthology of Victorian Literature Victorian Literature: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies) ( ): Victor Shea, William Whitla: Books. Why is ISBN important? ISBN.
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Eastlake asserts that Englishwomen are more thoroughly domestic than women of other nationalities, so that domesticity is understood as a culturally specific as well as naturally female attribute. How does Eastlake reconcile this contradiction?

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In what ways does she suggest that English men as well as women manifest the national virtue of domesticity? Victorian "lady travelers" did not just go abroad for pleasure, but also accompanied husbands who worked and often settled in the colonies. How might a national ideal of English domesticity take on symbolic importance to men and women living in a foreign culture, and how might such an ideal be made to serve the project of empire?

Eliza Lynn Linton's Girl of the Period is called "a loud and rampant modernization. Why is novelty granted so much importance either as threat or as salvation in these discussions?

Journals on 19thC literature

How might the importance of novelty in the debate over the woman question be related to larger Victorian hopes for industrial and cultural progress and to anxieties about revolution? When Mayhew's trouser maker declares "it is of course impossible to live upon" 3s.

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  • 19th Century Literature - English Literature - Subject Guides at University of Canterbury.

When Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh calls her aunt's "harmless. She is also revealing a customary assumption that the only lives worth discussing are those of middle- and upper-class women. To what extent did the debate over the woman question contrive to ignore the real lives of working-class women? What in the position of middle- and upper-class women, as revealed in the various texts in this topic and in NAEL , contributes to this tendency?

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Despite the various kinds of mental and physical suffering experienced by Mayhew's poor women, some aspects of their life may have seemed enviable to "their more fortunate sisters. How might the working-class women have responded to these assessments of their lives?

In addition to making explicit human beings' descent "from some lowly-organized form," it included detailed and naturalistic discussions of mating. Most alarmingly, it gave the female an active and intelligent role in the mating process. How does Darwin's scientific argument about the "aesthetic capacity of the females" resonate with discussions of feminine taste in Linton and in Ruskin?

Why might the issue of feminine aesthetic taste attract so much comment? Why should the woman question be so persistently a national question? How do these and other writers construct the importance of nation to woman and the importance of woman to nation? The Nature of Woman. John Ruskin, Of Queen's Gardens.

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There are also bibliographies which cover particular topics or themes. Cambridge bibliography of English literature, vol. C Lists all known works and editions by 19thC authors, including items in anthologies. Genre categories include political, scientific and religious writing, household books, travel, sport, magazines, and book production. Guide to British prose fiction explication: Prentice Hall International, M volume 4 for Victorian Useful for finding criticism on a particular poem.

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Arranged by name of poet. I'm not available right now - email me or ask another librarian below:. Indexes to fiction in 19th Century periodicals Indexes for individual periodicals. Times Digital Archive Full-text online.

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  • The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians!
  • The Works of George Gissing (18 books)!

New York Times full-text online. English Socialist periodicals, Victorian literature and culture. Victorian fiction research guides. Manuscripts, diaries, early editions, advice manuals Index of British books printed Covers all books published in Britain, its colonies and the USA, all books in English wherever published, and all translations from English. Ask at the Lending Desk. Search this Guide Search. Reference Oxford Reference Library. E The s: S British historical facts: Journals on 19thC literature Print and online: Journals in the Library Online titles: Links British Poetry Hypertext archive of scholarly editions.

Subject Headings from the Catalogue The following are links into the Library Catalogue using Subject Keywords, unless otherwise indicated. Project Muse Standard Collection. For authors not listed below, use the Author Index near the back of Vol.