The Accidental Werewolf (Accidentally Paranormal Novel)

The Accidental Werewolf and millions of other books are available for instant access. Kindle | Audible . Book 1 of 9 in the Accidentally Paranormal Novel Series.
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Isn't hot, and is actually one of most turn-offing sex scenes I've ever read. And I just finished a book where the guy went down on a woman while she was menstruating. This is not my year for literary sex scenes, apparently.

The Accidental Werewolf

Between the lame humor, anoying and typical paranormal characters curvy-in-all-the-right-places female hilariously-made werewolf, gorgeous and dominating sex god alpha male, adorable supporting characters, balls-to-the-wall fierce female friend, meek and adorably clueless other female friend , and the atrocious sex scenes, I'm not going near another book in this series. Sep 13, Amanda rated it really liked it Shelves: I want to start of by saying I recommend this book to everyone, and the only reason I give this book a 4 star instead of a 5 is listed in the rest of my review. I know that sounds odd but and for most every book out there the fact that a character has no depth actually serves to kill the book but for me it only served to enhance it.

Which in my opinion is an awesome quality to posses as an author. Marty Andrews is obsessed with selling make-up and make it up to the top, which actually means getting a sky blue convertible. She's supervising Nina and Wanda sales and one night after one of their meetings, Marty's poodle attacks a big dog and Marty is accidentally bitten. In the following days, Marty tries hard to ignore the fact that she is going from blonde to brunette, a ton of wax couldn't cope with the growing hair in her legs and she is ready to fight her poodle over a bone, even though Marty Andrews is obsessed with selling make-up and make it up to the top, which actually means getting a sky blue convertible.

In the following days, Marty tries hard to ignore the fact that she is going from blonde to brunette, a ton of wax couldn't cope with the growing hair in her legs and she is ready to fight her poodle over a bone, even though she is a vegan. Then hunk Keegan Flaherty comes along and tells her he is a werewolf and that she is turning into one too. At first I didn't understand why Marty was the main character since Nina sounded a lot more promising I understand she is the lead in Accidentally Dead.

Marty is very in control and slightly annoying, so when everything in her life spirals out of control we finally get to see the real Marty emerge as she tries hard to fit in a new world: If it frickin' killed her. She also has to avoid a weird tendency to be abducted but Marty manages to fight it off by herself, which is quite cool. She turns out to be a lovable character, as well as the nucleus of the Flaherty's family and the business partners turned friends, Nina and Wanda.

This book is very easy to read, quite funny and entertaining. Let me first say that this book is freaking hilarious and very well written. It gets 5 tombstones right out of the gate just for the humor factor. Reading this book has turned me into a new Dakota Cassidy fan. I found myself laughing out loud at the antics of not only Marty, but her cosmetics recruits the foul mouthed Nina and the introverted Wanda as well For the entire review please go to the Best Paranormal Review site on the web, Bitten By Books for the review of The Accidental Werewolf in Let me first say that this book is freaking hilarious and very well written.

You won't be sorry. Jan 28, Alejandra rated it it was amazing. I really do not know what is happening lately, but most of the books that I read, are freaking amazing. And Dakota Cassidy did not disappoint. The story was incredibly funny, and kept me giggling —nonstop. The characters were hilarious. Her determination, and the way s Another book win! Her determination, and the way she changed after being bitten.

At the end, it was a really nice read; I cannot wait until I get the rest of the series. It had a bit of everything: And one other confession, while reading it, I felt so girly… Well guys, this is where I leave, saying just this: I actually ended up really enjoying this book. It was unique and something not like the norm of werewolf romances.

The Accidental Werewolf (An Accidental Series): Dakota Cassidy: Books

I used to sell Mary Kay so I spent a lot of time giggling at it. The sex wasn't over whelming, and the characters were rich and well developed. I'd for sure continue this series! Jul 25, Shannon Giraffe Days rated it liked it Shelves: This book took me forever to finish, because I got stuck on the first chapter and it was months - yes, months - before I picked it up again to see if I could continue with it.

I'm glad I did though, because while the first chapter, which introduces you to the main character, is excruciating, the rest of the story is quite fun though anything that comes after such a beginning is bound to meet with a better reception! Marty Andrews is a freelance makeup saleswoman for an Avon-like company called This book took me forever to finish, because I got stuck on the first chapter and it was months - yes, months - before I picked it up again to see if I could continue with it. Marty Andrews is a freelance makeup saleswoman for an Avon-like company called Bobbie-Sue Cosmetics - the name says it all.

She's just risen to the first colour on the colour wheel, lavender, and the future seems bright. But when she and the two reps she's mentoring, Nina and Wanda, are out one night Marty's little puffy poodle, Muffin, attacks a much larger dog lurking in the shadows, Marty is bitten when trying to intercede. What follows is a week of insane hair growth on her legs and elsewhere, and her blonde hair is darkening, and her moods are swinging like crazy. Then an absolutely gorgeous man turns up on her doorstep and tries to tell her that he was the dog that accidentally bit her, and that he's not a dog but a werewolf.

And now, so is she. Keegan Flaherty may be the sexiest man she's ever seen, but she's not about to let this werewolf nonsense ruin her blossoming cosmetics career. Only, things are more complicated even than Keegan realised: The only thing for it is to take her home to his werewolf community where he's not only the alpha of a large pack, but where Marty suddenly has competition for Keegan in the body of one Barbie-loolalike, Alana, who sees Keegan's attraction to Marty as a big obstacle in her dreams of marrying the alpha werewolf.

In some ways, Marty reminded me of Rebecca Bloomwood in the Shopaholic books - a bit of a dag at heart, someone who falls into scenarios that make you expect the worst but who can, by a hairsbreadth, turn them around. Marty went from obnoxious, self-obsessed, loud and belligerent to surprisingly reasonable, strong if a bit silly still , and, well, not so annoying after all.

I don't mean the character's personality completely changed, but that once you get to know her - and get past her reaction to the news that she's now a werewolf - she's actually quite likeable. There's definitely some humour in here, light gags that are nicely amusing: Keegan was a fairly simplistic character in the way he was drawn and developed, but he did ooze sex. On the other hand, his attraction to Marty seemed rather by-the-by, like "oh yeah and I wouldn't mind gettin' a bit o'er" - while I was content to go along with their growing relationship and enjoyed their scenes together, there wasn't much foundation for it.

The kidnapping plot was the other weak point, as was the villain behind it - all rather ridiculous really. I don't know why authors of what would otherwise be paranormal-chicklit feel the need to throw in this kind of action plot when the story is quite enjoyable and uncluttered without it. Sure, danger can throw people together and a kidnapping can be an excuse for the main characters to share a house, but it's a rather lazy device.

It was more fun when the story was "Rebecca Bloomwood turned werewolf". Especially when all she can manifest is a fluffy tail.

Paperback Editions

If you're in the mood for something light and silly and you're known for your patience with difficult people, you might find this amusing and distracting. Sometimes that's exactly the kind of book you need. While I did in the end enjoy this more than I expected to after such a rough start, I don't see myself reading on in the series, with each book featuring a different heroine I think Nina is in the next one.

There're only so many smart-mouthing, stubborn, silly twits I can handle in a lifetime.

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Mar 13, Book Review Diva rated it it was amazing Shelves: Marty is so close to earning herself a brand new sky blue convertible because she has sold the most Bobbi-Sue cosmetics. Can you imagine Marty's long blond hair and lavender suit in her very own Bobbi-Sue convertible?!?! Well, Marty can kiss that dream goodbye. It all happened one faithful night on the way to a weekly Bobbi-Sue meeting.

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  7. Marty has two new recruits who are in a good need of a serious pep talk since they both suck at selling Bobbi-Sue cosmetics. While giving her two new recruits a pep talk, Marty's white fluff ball of a dog, "Muffin" jumps right out of Marty's arms and bites onto a huge black dog. While trying to pry poor Muffin off the big dog, Marty ends up having her hand bitten by the big black dog. Can you scream rabies. What Marty can scream, is that she is now infected with Werewolf blood and is going to be in a whole lot of trouble!

    Poor Marty, she is now changing into a werewolf. She's sprouting a stubby tail, shaving her legs twice a day, and is now craving steak when she is a Vegan. Oh yeah, Marty also just found out that all of her Bobbi-Sue cosmetics accounts have been given to her arch enemy Linda. Good grief, can life get any worse for Marty? Marty has just been kidnapped by God knows who, and has had a second attempt oh her life all because she was bitten by a werewolf.

    Making matters worse, her new werewolf family is giving her the evil eyes since she is half human. Well, there just might be some light at the end of the tunnel for Marty. He is also owns the big cosmetics company Pack Cosmetics that is the competitor to Bobbi-Sue cosmetics. Will Marty get her Bobbi-Sue accounts back? Will she get her blue sky convertible and learn live as a werewolf, or is she doomed to being a werewolf for life and lose everything that she's worked for? This book is guaranteed to be a all nighter and will have you howling with laugher until the wee hours of the morning.

    The Accidental Werewolf 2 Something About Harry Accidentally Paranormal Novel

    The banter is awesome in this book along with the delightful characters, and solid plot line. This book is not one to be missed. Feb 23, The Flooze rated it it was ok Shelves: Other reviewers have noted that the characters here start off very shallow and abrasive. I agree, and may not have continued reading if I were not hell-bent on completing a reading challenge or if someone with similar tastes to mine had insisted this was a great read.

    Marty is an independent woman, determined to succeed through the ranks of a Mary-Kaye-like cosmetic empire. She wants the reward of a sky-blue convertible so badly she can taste it. That is, until the proverbial "one fateful night" Other reviewers have noted that the characters here start off very shallow and abrasive.

    That is, until the proverbial "one fateful night" when she's accidentally turned into a werewolf.

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    And to make matters worse, before she can acclimate to her new hairy status, she has to fend off a bevy of kidnapping attempts. Once Cassidy gets past the intro period and delves into the real meat of the story, her characters become far more likable. Although the plot is a little pat, the mystery unfolds with a twist which adds some unexpected originality. I have to point out, the dynamic between Marty and her friends Wanda and Nina and even with Keegan is reminiscent of another author's characters.

    It smacks of MJD cloning, with Nina of course channeling the ever abrasive but lovable Jessica, Keegan being the impatient and long-suffering Sinclair, and Marty herself resembling Queen Betsy with her reluctance and obsession with all things color-coordinated. I came to MJD first and love her, so of course I'm biased. The formula works here in Cassidy's The Accidental Werewolf, but still leaves me seeking something that breaks the pattern and reaches for new ground.

    Jan 13, Monie rated it liked it. Late one night Bobbie-Sue Cosmetics rep, Marty Andrews, is bit on the hand by what she thinks is a huge scruffy looking dog. A few days later she learns the truth It was Keegan Flaherty in his were form and now Marty is a werewolf, too. In order to make the transition a little smoother for Marty, Keegan tries to convince her to stay with him and the rest of the pack but Marty stubbornly refuses to believe him. Then she gets knocked out and kidnapped and after escaping from th Late one night Bobbie-Sue Cosmetics rep, Marty Andrews, is bit on the hand by what she thinks is a huge scruffy looking dog.

    Then she gets knocked out and kidnapped and after escaping from the kidnappers Marty has no choice but to follow Keegan home while they try to figure out who is out to get her. Marty quickly learns Keegan is the head of the rival Pack Cosmetics and after sparks start to fly between them she also learns that Keegan is destined by the Lunar Council to mate with the skinny but beautiful Alana. Things just keep going down hill from there when she discovers who is behind the plan to get rid of her permanently. The book had a very slow start but I so love reading these "lighter" paranormals that I gave it a chance and kept reading.

    Once Marty finally accepted that she was a werewolf the story picked up and the rest of it was good enough to make up for the so-so beginning. There's a little bit of humor, a little bit of suspense and a little bit of a hot romance that all come together in the end and I'm definitely going to give book two in the series a try. Hopefully Cassidy will pick up the pace and get to the meat of the story a little quicker. May 18, Brandi ; rated it liked it Shelves: She has two sons and lives with her mother in the same locale.

    She loves nature, in particular animals, and this is evident in the number of dogs and cats she keeps as pets. Her novels are based on paranormal and contemporary romance genres with a subtle touch of humor. Her novels typically feature dominant alpha male characters and fictional paranormal elements that employ shifting. Her novels are highly recommended in many online reading sites with a romance novel inclination and have received several Top Pick Awards by critics and reputable editors.

    She appreciates feedback and reviews from her large fan base and maintains an active blog where she actively participates. She also has a website that showcases a lot of her writing throughout her active and lively career as a novelist. The Accidental Werewolf is one of her famous novels and is part of the Accidental Series associated with the author. It was originally published in It is the first book in the interesting series and can be classified in the speculative fiction genre. The main characters in the paranormal romantic novel are Marty Andrews and the handsome Keegan Flaherty.

    Marty Andrews is a hardworking cosmetic sales representative with a strong work ethic that she inherited from her workaholic mother. She is determined to be a success story and consequently scale the career ladder. She is a loner who has no real friends and is not dating anybody in the initial part of the rib tickling page long romance novel. Her constant companion is a teacup poodle who, one day, runs amok and attacks a mongrel that is larger than it. In the ensuing commotion, Marty gets bitten and begins to undergo a series of physiological changes that leave her perturbed.

    Her once vivid skin complexion begins to develop a pale hue and she begins to notice that the hair on her leg is growing at an alarming rate. Her undesirable metamorphosis puts her career as a cosmetic sales rep at stake and threatens her job security. As she is coming to terms with the changes in her body, a handsome stranger in the form of the handsome Keegan Flaherty shows up. To further compound the situation, he happens to be the Chief Executive Officer CEO of Pack Cosmetics and also happens to be the dominant alpha male of his werewolf pack.

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